Services > Services at the Clinic > Neuropsychology


The neuropsychologist is a psychologist specializing in the assessment of cognitive and mental functions. With various tests and tools, he is able to identify the weaknesses of each child and adolescent he assesses, but also the personal strengths on which to build to facilitate learning and maximize functioning.

Its role is to provide clarification on various diagnostic hypotheses, such as neurodevelopmental disorders (attention deficit, mental retardation, autism spectrum disorders, etc.), learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysorthography , dyscalculia, etc.) and mental disorders (anxiety, depression, etc.).

Our services in neuropsychology
  • Services offered from 4 years old and up to University.
  • Complete individual assessments of cognitive profile.
  • Additional assessments for a second opinion or to complete an examination by another professional aimed at answering unanswered questions.
  • Team assessments for complex issues or to obtain a very specialized picture (neuropsychology + speech therapy; neuropsychology + occupational therapy).
  • Participation in the individualized intervention plan, observations at school.

Evaluation procedure

The neuropsychologist is trained to recognize different developmental disorders in children such as learning disabilities. To do this, he uses the child’s developmental history obtained through an interview with the parent and through information provided by the school team.

The child then performs tests with the neuropsychologist to find out his different abilities (memory, attention, calculation, problem solving). All of this information makes it possible to establish a picture of the child’s strengths and weaknesses, which constitutes the neuropsychological profile. Usually between 2 and 3 appointments are required for the examination depending on age.

The neuropsychologist then presents the conclusions and recommendations to the parents in a review meeting. An individualized report (variable length depending on the reason for consultation) is sent to parents with recommendations targeted to their child’s cognitive profile.

From this profile, you can answer various questions, including:
  • Is there a learning disability or if my child is lazy ?
  • What type of learning disability does he/she have and what should be done about it ?
  • Is it an attention problem ? will the medication help him ?
  • Does anxiety limit his/her academic performance ?
  • Does the student require special accommodations at school ?
  • Is my child eligible for public rehabilitation services or government grants ?

Services spécialisés

Assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

This service is offered by a psychologist or a neuropsychologist trained in the administration of specific diagnostic tools (screening questionnaires, Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI-R), Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2) with the child / adolescent with suspected ASD.

An intellectual, functional and cognitive assessment can also be carried out if the child has not yet been met in psychology or neuropsychology to obtain the profile and intellectual performance.

Interdisciplinary assessment (speech therapy, occupational therapy) is also possible and is suggested when indicated.

The presence of child psychiatrists within the team makes it possible to complete the assessment, when necessary, if necessary.

Coaching in neuropsychology

The Churchill Clinic offers coaching sessions with a neuropsychologist specializing in cognitive rehabilitation.

This service is offered for children, adolescents and adults looking for strategies to overcome cognitive difficulties. Strategies based on the needs of the individual are proposed.

The latter approach :

  • procrastination and motivation by working on activation skills;
  • planning, organizing and problem solving skills;
  • regulation of emotions
  • the ability to adapt to change by supporting mental flexibility capacities
  • attention and management of distractors

The Churchill Clinic offers you adequate strategies to facilitate your daily life, in school or professional environment.

Procedure: Over 8 weeks

  • Procedure: Over 8 weeks;
  • 2 week break to assimilate and experiment the strategies;
  • 3 sessions of consolidation of acquired strategies.

Notre équipe de neuropsychologues

Marie-Pierre Morier, M.Ps.


En savoir plus >

Fauve Houmounou-Zythat, M.Ps.


En savoir plus >

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The Churchill Clinic brings together under one roof a large team of experienced professionals to provide specialized assessment and remediation services for learning difficulties. Our comprehensive and concerted services are offered to children, adolescents and young adults in order to optimize academic success.

  • 255 Churchill Bld,
    Greenfield Park (Quebec), J4V 2M6
  • 450.812.1300
    Fax: 450.812.2073
  • Monday-Friday 8:30am – 4h30pm
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